National Association of milk Processors- NAM

National Association of milk Processors- NAM

National Association of milk processors is a voluntary non governmental ,politically independent organization that brings together milk processors in Bulgaria, contributes to the protection of their interests and carries out their activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. National Association of Milk processors (NAM) is registered as a legal non-profit entity .

Some of the objectives of the Association are:

  • Protection of rights, economic, social and professional interests of Milk Processors in Bulgaria on the basis of equality between them;
  • Representation of its members in the formation of state policy and participation in the processes of decision making at national and local level in the dairy;
  • Encouraging active participation of its members in the restructuring of the dairy industry in Bulgaria;
  • Support of Milk Processors in Bulgaria to meet the requirements of the European Union and the successful integration of the European market;
  • Encourage members to the introduction and use of new techniques, technologies and equipment related to dairy;
  • Ensuring access and exchange of information and know-how between members in order to increase their effectiveness;
  • Facilitate the establishment and maintenance of contacts with similar structures and organizations working in the field of dairy production in Bulgaria and abroad.
  • Members of Association are companies, which activities are processing of milk and other activities accompanying the dairy sector.

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